Kount teens 2


On August 21, 2021, our organization will be hosting an event, “Back to School Boot Camp”, at the Henrietta Johnson Recreation Center from 9am-2pm. The purpose of this event is to provide youth ages 12-18 years old with important information as they head into the 2021-2022 school year. Love Waits (sex education), Dental & Hygiene Health, Classroom Readiness & Time Management, Mental Health & Bullying will be some of the topics discussed. We will also have an interactive activity to ensure that youth leave with a clear understanding of the information. This event will be available for the first 200 youth that register and each of those youth will receive a backpack full of school supplies. Our goal is to have some door prize giveaways as well!
For this event, we are in need of help from our community to provide the best experience possible for these youth. We are in need of volunteers to work, monetary donations, and giveaways/door prizes in order to help make this event a success. If you or your business can assist in any area it would be greatly appreciated. As I mentioned earlier in this letter, we are a non-profit organization, and have partnered with Life Changers Of Northeast Louisiana.